Hungarian (formal)English (United Kingdom)

Plótár László




Our family apiary began in Cserszegtomaj in 1989 with a hive’s reception. The continuous
self-instruction, the acquired experience during the regular wandering with my apiary, and
our products’ domestic and international judgment/condemnation inspire me to provide you
with the best quality. We wander with our apiary annually thousands of kilometers, so we can
produce wattle (acacia), rape, linden, sunflower, silk-grass, solidago (golden-rod), woody,
chestnut, and nectar honey.
Our family apiary began in Cserszegtomaj in 1989 with a hive’s reception. The continuousself-instruction, the acquired experience during the regular wandering with my apiary, andour products’ domestic and international judgment/condemnation inspire me to provide youwith the best quality. We wander with our apiary annually thousands of kilometers, so we canproduce wattle (acacia), rape, linden, sunflower, silk-grass, solidago (golden-rod), woody,chestnut, and nectar honey.



Mézeinket nem keverjük össze, nem egalizáljuk azok a méhek mézkamráiból a lehetõ legtermészetesebb módon egymástól elkülönítve, mézfajtánként egyedi termelõi azonosító számmal ellátva kerülnek csomagolásra.

